Keep track of your cars, keep costs under control.

Save up to 40 % of vehicle running costs. Save your paperwork. Know about everything.

Light vehicles tracking

Top grade GPS devices. Reliable servers. Accurate maps. GEO Smart fleet tracking platform has everything it takes to provide you with a perfect way to track your vehicles. You always know where your cars are, you have their gas consumption under control, you know each of your driver’s style of driving. And all that in real time.

Keep track of your vehicles

  • Current position on an online map
  • Historical trip data of the vehicles
  • Available and securely stored data
  • In hand solution thanks to mobile application

The GEO Smart car tracking portal has a satellite map with your vehicles’ position right on the main screen. It takes no lengthy menu clicking to access the information you need. Do you want to see the historical trip data of individual car? Look at the log book calendar or use one of the report templates. You will always have all the information just a few click away.

Electronic log book

End of car abuse and misuse

  • Vehicle operation overview
  • Set up a destined area of movement
  • Notifications and alerts to discrepancies in car operation

GPS monitoring easily prevents unauthorized use of company vehicles for private purposes. Log book records will reliably reveal any car misuse. You can also set up destined area of movement for any car (geofence). When the area is trespassed, the system automatically notifies you to an email or to your mobile phone.

Gas consumption tracking

  • Automatic gas consumption and refueling checking
  • Alerts to discrepancies
  • Optional high accuracy fuel flow meter measuring

GEO Smart is able to estimate gas consumption of individual cars according to route characteristics and driving style. Combined with fueling records, it will automatically recognize and report suspicious fluctuations that often point to gas theft. More importantly, after the introduction of car tracking, fuel theft and car misuse will simply not be an option anymore.

Vehicle security

  • Track the position of stolen car
  • Manage defined areas of movement
  • Possibility to stop the car remotely

When your car is stolen, a GPS tracker comes in handy. You know the position of the stolen car. Even after locating and disassembling the device by the thieves, you know at least the last known position of the vehicle.

Installation anywhere in Kuwait

The necessary tracking technology for Geo Smart will be installed by professionals trained in one of our partner services.

We can also install the technology at your company headquarters.


Cutting your costs is easier than it seems


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Price quote

We will prepare a solution for you


We professionally install the technology


You have full control over your fleet

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